Clingy by Erika Sanada 2021 10” x 9” x 5” Ceramic, Cold Finish

Photo Credit to Erika Sanada for all of the images
We saw this work first on and loved it but knew that it would be risky to hang. We forgot about it thinking would sell quickly. We follow Erika Sanada on Instagram, and one day the work showed up in a feed. Casually we went to the Haven gallery website expecting that it had sold. It was still available but we had doubts about hanging it. We reached out to the gallery to get pictures of the the back of it and find out how they hung it. The gallery convinced us that we could hang it easily, so we ignored our instinct and bought. We should have found an alternative way to hang it so that we trusted it was secure. It was hung the way the gallery directed, using the little guide sheet they made for us. It looked great hung up, but every time we looked at it did not look secure. We checked on it but it felt secure then one morning found the sculpture on the floor and the corner of our glass credenza smashed. It ended up costing $1300 to repair the credenza glass and to get the sculpture repaired by Erika. We were very lucky! We will never forgive ourselves for risking our poor bunny's life. He hung out right where the sculpture fell. Thankfully it did not hit him but it could have. Lesson learned.. It is living in its box in storage for now.