Felis Leo by Vakseen 12”x12"
Acrylic on wood panel

Photo Credit to Vakseen for all of the images
If there is one work, we regret buying in the collection it is this one! We bought this work directly from the artist’s Etsy store (a red flag) another was the artist had broken up with all of his galleries (probably because he felt they were underpricing his work). We did not do our research, and this was an impulse buy. We were concerned about the background being unfinished before we bought it, but did not think it would look so rough in person. When we got it looked so unfinished, that it bothered us enough to ask if he would be willing to let me send it back to paint the background. He was willing and we were grateful, but he more than over charged to do this. That fee would not have been bad if he had not overcharge for the work in the first place. I found out that the same work had be offered at LA LUZ DE JESUS GALLERY for $400 in 2016, We purchased it for double the price in 2018 and then paid another $200 + Plus shipping to have the work finished. We overpaid for this work by $600 + Shipping. It was an impulse purchase and it cost us. This is work is for sale because every time we look at it we feel ripped off.