Untitled by Marlon Diggs 2018 25”x30” Oil on Canvas

Photo Credit to Marly McFly for all of the images
We were casually browsing Artsy.net when we saw a work by Marlon Diggs A.K.A. Marly McFly we liked. We reached out to the gallery but it sold. There was another available at the same gallery in France, that we kind of liked. We figured we would contact the artist to see if he had any unsold or upcoming work He did not but, he let us commission something. What follows was a pretty smooth process of hashing out the composition, design elements, as well as addressing some small details. Our only regret is that we did not ask for the female to be a woman of color with brown skin. Marlon was so nice and easy to work with. We were pleasantly surprised the work worked out to be $300 less than the gallery price we expected. This work is very nice but our taste has change a good deal since, 2018. we will sell it the future.