Untitled - “A Paradise Lost” by Kathy Ager 2021 16” x 20” Oil painting on board

Photo Credit to Kathy Ager for all of the images
We can’t tell you how long we have wanted a work by Kathy Ager! After seeing her work “LOVE: YOU GAVE ME A RUN FOR MY MONEY”, and “SHOOT THE MESSENGER” in a Thinkspace collectors preview we missed. We reached out Thinkspace, and got no follow up. After 9 months, we got fed up with waiting and emailed Unruly Gallery. They connected me with her immediately! Kathy is so nice and really let us have a lot of say in the commission. Our choice of fruit, flowers, and shoes in this work is meant to represent a paradise lost, the dislocation of the Jamaican-American diaspora from the island as a home, and longing for the impossible return to a failed paradise. Kathy was totally receptive to our choice of what was depicted, she allowed us the time to create a custom picture frame, and cut the panel to fit.